Pillar of strength

We worked our inner core muscles this week. I felt them afterwards and it made me think of the idea of taking care of our pillar of strength in our bodies. We start with strong feet and move upwards along inner legs and inner core muscles including the psoas which holds our spine upright. Unlike a pillar, we want to move and do so with grace. When we move right from our centre, I think we do so in a more connected way.

Jill Miller’s article, 5 moves that are missing from your core workout, gives a thorough description of the exercises that we did and why they are important. We used a bolster in place of the inflated ball and block. Use what you have at hand and remember to modify the exercises as necessary so that you use your core and not your jaw, face, or tongue to do the exercise. If those places become tense, it is because they are just trying to help out, indicating a lack of support lower in the body. Work at your variation of the exercise, even if it barely resembles the photos. You will be gain strength and notice improvement faster, instead of building jaw muscles;)

We also found 4 acupressure points that support immunity and kidney point 1 to help calm the mind before bed. I have been doing these before bed this month. Another thing that is excellent for emptying an over full mind is to try morning pages. No reason why you can’t do this at night if necessary. I have at times gotten out of bed to write and then gone back to bed.

Pillar of Love by Sangudo, license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

“Pillar of Love” stands in Edmonton as the 1987 tornado memorial.

“It portrays people linked together one supportng the other in an unbroken circle that projects unity and strength. Standing at the base on this structure one could compare it to a thick trunked tree, unmovable and steadfast against the winds of time. It stands as a witness of battles and trials of mankind, enduring for generations.”  Barbara Eichner – Shaw, Artist

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